
We are right beside you from design to implementation

  • Preliminary development phase & system design

    Customized solutions

    We offert systems designed ad hoc, depending on customer's requirements.

    Our experience allow us to help you choosing products that best meet your needs.

  • Optimization and rationalization

    Optimization and rationalization of logistic service and competitive C+F prices

    We boast competitive prices, thanks to our strategic location, a crossroad between Bologna airport and the port of Livorno.

    Thanks to our cross-sectional supply system, you are always informed about delivery times ans about the opportunity to group multiple orders in a same shipment, thus reducing shipping fees.


  • Spare parts

    Guaranteed spare parts

    We reply to your query in a short interval, offerting guaranteed spare parts and, if possible, their no-brand alternative .

  • Technical assistance & after-sales services

    Technical assistance & after-sales services

    We manage emergencies in order to solve your problems and ensure you the continuity of production

    Our after-sales service guarantees a quick reply to all your questions.

you are here: Services

Promer Overseas s.r.l

Via Ricasoli, 60 - 47522
Pievesestina di Cesena (FC) Italy
Tel.: +39 0547 313332
Fax.: +39 0547 317568

About us

Our aim is to group the purchases of our customers, thus they can benefit of our preferential prices as distributors.

Our presence on market allow us to be competitive also in case you turn directly to the producer because, in most cases, we profit of discount that we transmit you.

Grouping purchasing allow us to lighter the logistic system, to economize on trasport costs and simplify the delivery procedures.

Our ambition is to provide rapidly the material that you require the most.
